Julie is an experienced project manager with a track record of more than ten years. Through various roles in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games Organising Committee, the School Buildings Organisation and the Buildings Infrastructure SA, she was responsible for the project management and monitoring of infrastructure projects. In her roles with the OECD she was the project manager of a knowledge product, the Effective Learning Environments project. This included managing the deliverables of the project, as well as the funds and other resources.
Julie has completed the training for the PMP Certificate of Project Management Institute and is planning to sit the exam for the certification.

Screenshot of the Project Information System of the School Buildings Organisation
School Buildings Organisation set an office titled “Business Intelligence Unit” under the CEO’s office on April 2011. Julie was the head of the Unit, as an Advisor to the CEO, and later as the General Director. The main responsibilities of the Unit involve:
_3-month progress report of SBO activities
_Projects progress reports and systematic update and maintenance of the Projects Information System
_Co-ordination of various SBO functional areas for the maturity of the projects eligible for funding by
EU funds [National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013]
_Reports to EIB
_Ad-hoc reports for the supervising Ministries
_Planning and implementation of various horizontal SBO activities
The School Building Organisation merged with two other public sector companies to form the new company Buildings Infrastructure SA in 2014. The Project Information System of SBO was updated to incorporate the additional health and justice infrastructure projects.
The “Projects Information System” of SBO and BI is an integrated web-based application with centralised database, providing customisable tools for monitoring & reporting on the progress of the projects being implemented by SBO/BI, as well as the management of requests forwarded to SBO/BI for new projects, such as new school units or hospital units, additions of extra classrooms/wings or gyms to existing schools, renovations, restorations etc.
The application includes administrative and financial data for each project in order to generate reports for management and monitoring support. The reports combine several criteria concerning separate time periods, financial flows, construction stages, land acquisition processes etc. Documents can be attached to the system [i.e. building permits and design blueprints] to enhance monitoring. The forms for data viewing and editing of each project are ergonomically designed, functional, comprehensive and user-friendly for use by non-experts.
The PIS is fully operation since Q3-Q42011 In the year 2013, the geospatial data of the projects were incorporated into the PIS; an additional tab of the system features the map of each project. In 2016, the PIS included data for approximately 2,200 projects, 250 requests for new projects, as well 2,500 real estate properties.

Data entry interface

Geospatial data of the projects
Julie was a Section Manager in the Olympic Works Monitoring Department [2001-2003], responsible for the non-competition venues and the road infrastructure projects. The main task of the Department included the monthly progress report that was the main source of information for the Olympic works, undertaken for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. The bilingual progress report was transmitted to the International Olympic Committee and the Greek government.